What is a Hydrant Flushing Program?

 Hydrant Flushing checks the operation of the fire hydrant while at the same time cleaning out the distribution pipes of any impurities or sediment that may be present in the pipes.


Why a Hydrant Flushing Program?

In developing a good hydrant flushing program the quality of water in the system is maintained along with hydrant maintenance or replacement program that ensures the hydrants are working correctly.


Why a Hydrant Maintenance Program?

Fire hydrants are seldom used to fight fires; it is easy to forget how important they are. Hydrants that operate properly and provide adequate flow can make the difference between losing or saving valuable property and lives. In most communities, the water utility has the responsibility for installing and maintaining hydrants. In most instances the fire hydrant has been spruced up with an occasional painting but has received minimal maintenance to guarantee proper operation during a fire emergency. It is well documented that operational failures during major fires have resulted in claims against the municipality for not taking reasonable care in maintaining the public fire protection system.Strapped with an ever increasing workload and in many cases a smaller workforce, hydrant maintenance is low on their list of priorities.


What is a Meter Changeout/ Installation & AMR System Program?

The installation or changeout of meters enables the water utility to accurately measure the amount of water used at a location.


Why a Meter Changeout/ Installation & AMR System Program?

Water meters are considered the cash register of the water utility. It is important that the water meters be properly installed, maintained and read accurately to obtain the necessary revenue for the water utility



